From Courtship to Harmony: The Journey of AI and Data in Marriage

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the marriage between AI (Artificial Intelligence) and data has become a cornerstone for success. As business leaders and executives, understanding how to cultivate this relationship effectively can drive innovation, enhance decision-making, and lead to sustainable growth. This article delves into strategies that can help you make the AI and data partnership flourish within your organization.

The Foundation of a Successful Union

At the heart of the AI and data relationship lies the quality and quantity of data available. AI algorithms thrive on large volumes of diverse and clean data. Business leaders need to ensure that data is not only collected comprehensively but is also accurate, up-to-date, and representative of the business landscape.

  1. Data Governance is Paramount: Establish clear data governance policies and practices. Define ownership, accessibility, and security protocols to ensure data is treated as a valuable asset. An effective data governance strategy builds a strong foundation for AI implementation.
  2. Embrace a Data-Driven Culture: Foster a culture that values data-driven decision-making. Encourage employees to leverage data in their day-to-day operations and instill the belief that data is a strategic asset that drives growth and innovation.

Preparing for the Wedding: Data Preparation

To maximize the potential of AI, data needs to be refined and prepared for analysis. This step is critical for ensuring the success of AI initiatives.

  1. Data Quality Enhancement: Invest in data cleansing, validation, and enrichment. Poor data quality leads to inaccurate insights and unreliable AI outcomes.
  2. Feature Engineering: Understand the context of your business and engineer features that align with AI goals. Feature engineering involves selecting, transforming, and combining variables to improve model performance.

The Harmony of AI Implementation

Implementing AI effectively requires collaboration and coordination between technical and business teams.

  1. Define Clear Objectives: Identify the specific business problems AI will address. Whether it’s optimizing supply chain logistics or personalizing customer experiences, clarity in objectives is key.
  2. Selecting the Right Tools: There is a plethora of AI tools available, from open-source platforms to commercial solutions. Choose tools that align with your organization’s needs and existing technology infrastructure.
  3. Team Collaboration: Collaboration between data scientists, IT, and business units is crucial. Data scientists need a deep understanding of business processes to develop AI solutions that drive real value.

The Journey to Continuous Improvement

The AI and data partnership is not a one-time event; it’s a continuous journey of learning and improvement.

  1. Iterative Development: AI models and algorithms should be treated as living entities that evolve over time. Continuously update and refine them based on new data and changing business conditions.
  2. Monitor and Evaluate: Regularly assess AI performance against defined objectives. This includes identifying potential biases, monitoring accuracy, and recalibrating models if necessary.
  3. Upskilling and Training: Invest in upskilling your workforce to understand AI concepts. Business leaders should also strive to enhance their AI literacy to guide decision-making effectively.

The Role of Humans in the Loop in Data-Centric AI Development

In the journey towards a harmonious AI and data partnership, the role of Humans in the Loop remains paramount. Even during the transition from a model-centric to a data-centric AI approach, Humans in the Loop continues to play a crucial role in five key areas:

  1. Data Collection and Data Annotation: Humans in the Loop is responsible for curating and annotating high-quality data, ensuring its relevance and accuracy. Their domain expertise contributes to creating training sets, identifying patterns, and extracting valuable insights. 
  2. Exception Handling: While AI excels in well-defined scenarios, handling exceptions and unfamiliar situations can be challenging. Humans in the Loop navigates real-world scenarios, resolves edge cases, and adapts to unforeseen circumstances, enhancing system reliability.
  3. Continuous Feedback and Iteration Loop: Humans in the Loop actively validates and calibrates AI systems, addressing biases and errors. They monitor AI outputs, provide feedback, and enable quick iterations for faster market entry in the data-centric AI era.
  4. Ethical Oversight and Decision-Making: Ethical AI systems require human oversight to establish guidelines, define boundaries, and make critical decisions, especially in morally demanding situations.
  5. Contextual Understanding: Humans bring contextual understanding, comprehending complex nuances and subjective elements that can challenge machines. This understanding leads to reliable and informed decision-making.

To delve into practical use cases showcasing the pivotal role of Humans in the Loop in data-centric AI development, explore examples from MENA Alliances that highlight the impact and significance of this collaborative relationship. These use cases illuminate the path from model-centric AI to a holistic data-driven approach, showcasing how the partnership between humans and technology creates a harmonious symphony of innovation and progress.

The Road Ahead

The partnership between AI and data holds immense promise for businesses. However, success requires commitment, dedication, and a strategic approach. By prioritizing data quality, fostering a data-driven culture, and nurturing cross-functional collaboration, business leaders can ensure that their AI initiatives yield tangible and sustainable results.

In this era of digital transformation, the AI and data marriage is not just an option—it’s a necessity for staying competitive and relevant. As business leaders and executives, your commitment to making this union work will undoubtedly shape the future of your organization.

Remember, the journey might be challenging, but the rewards are limitless.

Embrace the Power of AI and Data Collaboration to Ignite Innovation and Growth! Visit MENA Alliances Today!

Dreams Are Bigger Than Boundaries!

Young college-educated women in Palestine face many challenges as they pursue their dreams and careers. Despite having degrees and aspirations that extend beyond the walls that confine their territory, these women often encounter obstacles that limit their opportunities. Politics may create boundaries, but these resilient women are proving their dreams have no bounds. Through the power of the internet, these women are proving their place on the world stage.


Politics may create boundaries, but these resilient women are proving their dreams have no bounds


Women and girls living in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) often face discrimination and are at risk of gender-based violence (GBV). Cultural norms can restrict women to traditional female professional roles, leaving little room for advancement. Young girls often lack role models to look up to, which can hinder their aspirations for advancing professionally. Unemployment is high in the region, with a rate of over 25%, and those who are working may be satisfied with just keeping their jobs rather than advancing into leadership roles. These roadblocks can make it more challenging for women to move into leadership positions, especially in male-dominated businesses.


Progress for Women in Palestine

Despite these challenges, progress is being made. Female participation in the Palestinian workforce has doubled in the past seven years and now stands at 19%. Women make up 50% of those enrolled in local universities and they are increasingly taking control of their business ideas and starting new companies. MENA Alliances is one organization that is working to help alleviate poverty and injustice in the MENA region by creating jobs for over one million disadvantaged women and young people from the region. They provide training, job opportunities, and growth while promoting social justice, and economic opportunity.

Talented Palestinian Woman Connects to Dream Job 

Raneem is a talented individual with a wide range of website management and SEO skills. With expertise in WordPress, Sala, Joomla, T-Soft, SKwid, and mastery of the Yoast SEO Tool, Google Search Console, and Google Analytics, Raneem is well-equipped to handle the challenges of on-page SEO management.

As a young woman interested in tech, Raneem dreamed of working with multinational companies. She had hoped to find mentors to enrich her experience and help her build worldwide expertise. Thanks to MENA Alliances, Raneem was allowed to work as an SEO specialist for a US company. This experience was precious for Raneem and helped her grow personally and professionally.

“Working with multinational companies and mentors to enrich my experience and build a worldwide expertise was one of my dreams. MENA Alliances provided me with the opportunity to work as an SEO specialist for a US company. This experience was the greatest as it added to me a lot. THANK YOU, MENA Alliances, for pointing me in the proper direction.” – Raneem

Raneem is grateful to MENA Alliances for providing this opportunity and helping her discover E-work or remote work options. She is excited to continue building her SEO and website management skills and expertise.

Resources Help Dreamers Overcome Boundaries

In Raneem’s case, MENA Alliance was a resource. It was the support system she needed to get outside the barrier she felt within her country. Tech companies who choose impact sourcing through these organizations provide a valuable resource to women like her. This hiring option lifts not just the worker, but the entire community in which she lives. Raneem has been able to reach her dreams, and through her example to other women and youth in the region, others will learn they, too, are capable. Raneem, who worked hard to achieve her education and background, now also has the pride of actualizing her dream to include in her life’s accomplishments. 



  • Mardirossian, T. (2019, April). Challenges Facing Palestinian Women. Retrieved from The Wilson Center:
  • The Power of E-Work: Creating Opportunities for Young Women in the West Bank and Gaza. (2019, November). Retrieved from World Bank:

The CEO’s Guide to AI: How to Leverage Technology to Streamline Your Workday

As a CEO, your ability to maximize your productivity during your day is essential to success. Good time management skills are crucial, but never at the cost of missing information that could have provided you with valuable insights needed to make strategic decisions. With AI and ChatGPT, you can get defined results, quick answers, leveraged power, and clear time-savings.  

“The adaptation to a world deeply integrated with AI tools is probably going to happen pretty quickly; the benefits have too much upside. These tools will help us be more productive, healthier, smarter, and more entertained.” – Sam Altman, CEO, Open AI

The Benefits of Leveraging AI 

Leveraging AI in your workday provides numerous benefits such as saving time, improving productivity, and making better decisions. Automating repetitive tasks frees up your time to focus on more pressing initiatives. AI helps you streamline your workflow by providing valuable insights and recommendations. AI-powered tools also offer improved accuracy by analyzing data and providing precise insights. Before starting, seek an AI consultation with your tech team member to help you set up effective tools such as Grammarly for continuous improvement of your writing. 

Use the Right Type of AI Tool 

To use AI effectively and streamline your workday, identify tasks that can be automated and delegate them to AI-powered tools. Choose a tool that handles multiple tasks and blends well with your existing systems. Integrating AI tools seamlessly into your workflow frees up time to focus on more important initiatives. Keep up with the latest AI trends and technologies to identify new opportunities and stay ahead of the competition. There are basic types of tools and categories:

  • Virtual Assistants
  • Project Management Software
  • Time Management
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Speech Recognition Software
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Talent Acquisition Software
  • Finance Management Software
  • Market Analysis Software

Top AI Tools for CEOs

There are numerous AI-powered tools available that can help CEOs streamline their workday. The list can be endless, but here are tools that consistently come up on top. You don’t need to use all of them but have your consultant help choose the ones most effective for you, your business and your systems.

    • – an AI-powered personal assistant helps automate tasks such as scheduling meetings, sending follow-up emails, and ordering lunch.
    • Trelloa collaboration tool to help you manage your projects more efficiently. With Trello, you create boards for different projects and tasks, assign tasks, teams, and track progress in real-time.
    • Lindy – your AI personal assistant, a CEO’s job on autopilot. 
    • RescueTime – a time management tool that helps you improve your productivity. With RescueTime, you track how you spend your time on your computer and mobile devices and get insights on optimizing your time.
    • Writesonic – a platform many companies turn to for content. You can create content with source material links 10x faster. This AI-writing and image-generating platform creates SEO-optimized and plagiarism-free content.
    • – an all-in-one workspace that uses AI to help you manage your tasks, notes, and projects. With, you can collaborate with your team, track progress, and get insights on optimizing your workflow.
    • Grammarly – an AI-powered writing assistant that helps you improve your writing skills. With Grammarly, you can get suggestions on improving your grammar, spelling, and punctuation and even get feedback on the tone of your writing.
    • – an AI-powered scheduling tool that helps you schedule meetings more efficiently. With, you can cc Amy or Andrew (the AI assistants) in your emails, and they will schedule the appointment for you.
    • AIssistify – your AI marketing team in a tool. Get ready to create marketing Ads, campaigns, emails and more with AI. 
    • Hootsuite – an AI-powered social media management tool to help manage your social media accounts more efficiently. With Hootsuite, you can schedule posts, track metrics, and even automate specific tasks such as responding to comments.
    • Cleo – an AI financial assistant that helps manage your finances more efficiently. With Cleo, you track your expenses, set budgets, and even get insights on how to save money.
    • Google Assistant – an AI-powered personal assistant that can help you automate tasks such as setting reminders, sending messages, and even making phone calls. With Google Assistant, your time is valued, and any critical duties will have your much-needed focus.
    • Microsoft Copilot – If you’re continuing to write code, this coding assistant can help you write it more efficiently. With Microsoft Copilot, you can get suggestions on improving your code, generating code snippets, and even writing entire functions.
    • Slack – a collaboration tool that can help communicate with your team more efficiently. With Slack, you create channels for different projects and tasks, collaborate with your team in real time, and even automate specific tasks, such as sending notifications.
  • Bardeen – is an automation tool that can help you automate simple tasks without knowing any code.

Best Practices for Integrating AI into Your Workflow

Integrating AI into your workflow can be complex, but some best practices can help. Here are best practices for integrating AI into your workflow:

  • Start Small: Start by identifying a few tasks that can be automated and delegating them to AI-powered tools. You should get comfortable with using AI and build confidence in its capabilities.
  • Choose the Right Tools: Choose AI-powered tools that integrate well with your existing systems and processes and are easy for you and your team.
  • Train Yourself and Your Team: Take the time to train yourself and your team on how to use AI-powered tools effectively. Ensure everyone is getting the same training so you get the most of your investment in AI.
  • Measure Your Results: Track your progress and measure the results of your AI implementation. Identify areas to improve then make informed decisions about optimizing your workflow.

AI Implementation Services for Businesses

Where do you start? What processes can be handled by AI? AI implementation or automation services can help you better understand the potential for AI in your business. These services can help you identify opportunities for leveraging AI, choose the right tools, and integrate them seamlessly into your workflow. You can find automation specialists to help you walk through the steps of your business process to eliminate unnecessary steps and automate those that AI can manage. 

Fortune 500 Companies Show Successful AI Integration in the C-Suite

Numerous companies have successfully integrated AI into their C-suite workflows. For example, IBM has leveraged AI-powered tools to help its CEO make informed product development and marketing decisions. Similarly, Coca-Cola has used AI to improve its supply chain management and reduce costs.

AI-Powered Decision-Making Works

AI can play an essential role in decision-making for C-level executives. AI can help inform strategic decisions and identify new opportunities by analyzing data and providing insights. However, it’s important to remember that AI should be used to support decision-making, not replace it entirely.

As a CEO, it’s vital to leverage AI-powered tools to inform your decision-making and rely on your expertise and experience to make informed decisions. 

Future Trends in AI and Its Impact on the CEO Role

As AI continues to advance, it will provide CEOs with valuable insights and enable them to focus on strategic initiatives. However, it’s important to remember that AI is not a substitute for human expertise and experience. CEOs must rely on their instincts and insights to make informed decisions, and workers should be taught to use AI as a tool to enhance their performance. Additionally, AI needs human judgment and expertise to continually improve its ability to connect with your target audience. Marrying AI with your human workforce is crucial to lead your business effectively into the future.

Takeaways for CEOs Looking to Leverage AI Technology

In conclusion, to effectively leverage the power of AI, CEOs should start by identifying the tasks best suited for automation. It involves carefully assessing the organization’s workflows and processes to determine which can be streamlined with AI tools. Once the appropriate functions have been identified, choosing the right tools and integrating them seamlessly into the workflow is essential. You will need to commit to staying current with the latest developments in the field, which requires a deep understanding of the capabilities and limitations of different AI technologies.

CEOs can gain a competitive edge in their industry by effectively utilizing AI as a tool to enhance their work. However, more is needed to adopt AI technology and hope for the best. CEOs must also be able to demonstrate the impact of AI throughout your organization, both in terms of improved efficiency and cost savings, as well as better decision-making and strategic planning. You must be willing to invest in your people. Investing in training and development programs that help employees understand how to use AI tools effectively to create a powerful workforce.

Ultimately, the key to success with AI lies in a willingness to embrace change and experiment with new ideas. By staying open-minded and constantly looking for ways to improve workflows and processes, CEOs can harness the full potential of AI and drive their organizations forward in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.


AI for CEOs. (2023). Retrieved from All Things AI:

Altman, S. (2023, February 18). Sam Altman . Retrieved from Twitter:

How CEOs Can Tap AIs Full Potential. (2019). Retrieved from PwC:


Making the Most of Impact Hiring Through Win-Win Partnerships

A partnership between MENA Alliances and Figure Eight in the USA created a beneficial collaboration while making the most of impact hiring. Both organizations work to use hiring as a means to make social change. Known as impact sourcing, corporations understand the value that it creates for their businesses. It starts with hiring and developing individuals who may otherwise face barriers to economic opportunities. The benefits of this hiring strategy are reaped by everyone involved.

MENA Alliances provide access to skilled professionals from the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region. The organization has grown to represent a valued recruitment and placement model that provides much-needed talent from the area.


Figure Eight, an Appen company, combines the best of human and machine intelligence to provide high-quality annotated training data that powers the world’s most innovative machine learning (ML) and business solutions.

These factors underpin the value of impact hiring: talent practices that create business advantage through hiring and developing individuals who face barriers to economic opportunity. MENA Alliances provides innovative technology jobs for many in the MENA region who often face barriers to employment opportunities. 

“MENA Alliances is the talent factory, the laboratory of dreamers, and the hand of the lost. I am one of the dozens of the MENA Alliances’ success stories, of which I was once a part. There is no limit to my love, happiness, thanks, and gratitude to MENA Alliances in particular.” – Yasmeena, GAZA.

Talent Factory of the World – Hope for Hungry Dreams

There can be no more tremendous honor than to be in the business of delivering hope to those in need. MENA Alliances build up the individual and set them on the path to success. We all have been taught the parable ‘Teach a man to fish.” In these areas, troubled economies have left many people with skills and talent, but still needing help to fish. There are no local streams.

MENA Alliances connects tech companies that need coding and tech skills with workers from the Middle East and North Africa regions. It restores the confidence of the individual worker and brings much-needed resources to their families and communities. It changes lives. Companies who contract through MENA Alliances get real value in return. The work is top-quality and done at a low cost. The employee is thorough, professional, and grateful. 

When someone faces a crisis and a window of opportunity opens, it means much more to them. The success of achievement matters more. Each step of their journey may have come with tears, visible or invisible scars, and possible loss. For MENA Alliance, a successful candidate is more than a hire or a job placement; it is a chance for life to change, for a human being to alter their path, and an opportunity for someone to become a superhero. All MENA Alliance talent success stories are heroes to their families and communities. 

A MENA Alliance Talent Success: Huda Wajeh Matrabie 


Huda Wajeh Matrabie is an example of how MENA Alliances developed success in an individual. Huda recently had the opportunity to work on a year-long data-labeling project. Her technical and people skills shined through as she learned the skills of freelancing remote jobs. 

Her fresh attitude and hard work were appealing to those around her. She became a leader to others quickly and continued to believe in her ability to do more. She has struggled with her self-esteem for some time as she had difficulty finding a job that matched her education level after graduation. After joining MENA Alliances, she found an organization whose goal was for the greater good – to bring jobs to those who faced obstacles and were less fortunate so everyone had an opportunity for success. 

“From Nothing to Something” – Hear for Yourself the Human Depth of Impact Hiring

“I’m Huda Wajeh Matrabie from Gaza _ Palestine, currently working as an English language teacher. From nothing to something. I will share my story of working with MENA Alliances. 

I am grateful for a lot and owe that to MENA Alliances. It was the first company that put me on the steps of the freelancing world by doing entry-level remote jobs without even having the previous experience to accomplish these tasks. Being surrounded by energetic people that I had never known before allowed me to think bigger than I probably ever would have thought. 

In 2019, as a fresh graduate with no opportunities in front of my eyes and the absence of jobs in Gaza after graduation. MENA Alliances believed in our abilities as women to be an “Innovation for Hope.” We could do the easy task of teaching machines and artificial intelligence. These small steps led us to something bigger and more significant in the coming months and the chance to become more worthy. 

I began doing easy tasks on the client’s platform, then to being a coordinator for MENA Coding school. Our work filled a large part of our life. The only way to be truly satisfied was to do what we believed was great work. The only way to do great work was to love what we were doing in those days. 

It was a chance to work with people from different cultures and backgrounds. It was the time to tell the students more about MENA Alliances and how they would help them start their career paths in coding. Without a doubt, it was a fruitful and unique experience.

You can do huge things with a small team and MENA Alliances. It was literally like that!”


How To Implement AI To Hire Top Tech Talent and Improve Globalization

AI offers opportunities to streamline your organization’s hiring processes. Today’s HR departments need help finding the right talent for their open positions. These challenges include sorting through thousands of resume responses to a single job post only to find that a GPT chatbot wrote and submitted most. HR managers are fighting through only to discover a need for more available laborers with the skills they need for certain IT positions. 

Many department heads are beginning to use AI in their HR department, and these tools can enhance the hiring process and be a natural stress relief for your HR staff. AI is still relatively new to HR departments. How can your HR team best implement AI in their departments? What tasks can be handled by AI? While you may have thought about using AI to scan resumes, how else can AI improve your company’s hiring and employment processes? 


Tasks AI Can Manage in HR


Here are a few of the possibilities for AI:

  • Recruitment
  • Records management
  • Payroll
  • Onboarding
  • Performance review
  • Employee assessments
  • Hiring

Overall, AI can improve your current HR methods by allowing HR professionals to leverage the power of machine learning algorithms to streamline tasks and enhance their ability to make better hiring decisions. 

How AI Enhances the Hiring Process

Your HR managers may need a background in IT, AI, machine learning, or other new technologies. Most HR departments are filled with individuals who know people, not tech. So, what tasks can be managed with AI in your HR department? Where do you begin? According to Helen Poitevin, a leading Gartner researcher, if your organization struggles to find a specialist while wading through a high volume of resumes, it will be more likely to incorporate AI technologies in its recruitment strategy. 

“Overall, AI applications can analyze and interpret candidates’ responses and predict candidates’ degree of fit and performance for current vacancies and other potential roles. AI applications should also be able to take over repetitive administrative tasks and enable recruiters to focus on strategic tasks.” -Helen Poitevin, Gartner.

The White House understands that HR departments are managing more job applicants per job. A recent study has shown that AI is helping resolve the demands on HR teams. AI can manage emails, read resumes, and collect information on your potential new hire’s background. HR management will gain needed insight from the data collected, which will help in any hiring decision.

Here are several AI tools recommended in the report and how they can be implemented into your hiring and recruitment strategies. 

  • Chatbots – Your Time Saver

ChatGPT can save time in the hiring process in several ways:

  • Screening candidates: ChatGPT can screen candidates by asking them a set of predefined questions to evaluate their skills, experience, and qualifications. The chatbot can help filter out unsuitable candidates to save time in the recruitment process.
  • Initial interviews: ChatGPT can also conduct initial interviews with candidates. This tool can save time for recruiters by allowing them to interview multiple candidates simultaneously. ChatGPT can also ask follow-up questions based on the candidate’s answers, which can help recruiters better understand the candidate’s skills and experience.
  • FAQ responses: ChatGPT can answer frequently asked questions about the company, the job, and the application process. Chatbots can save time for recruiters who would otherwise have to respond to these queries manually.
  • Schedule management: ChatGPT can also help manage the scheduling of interviews and follow-up meetings, which can be time-consuming for recruiters. ChatGPT can suggest times and dates based on the availability of both the recruiter and the candidate and can even send reminders to both parties to ensure they attend their scheduled meetings.

Overall, by automating various aspects of the hiring process, ChatGPT can help recruiters save time and increase efficiency.” – ChatGPT4.

Do you want to know how well ChatGPT will perform these critical tasks? Do you worry that it will make the hiring process impersonal? ChatGPT4 is extremely powerful and has excellent natural language processing features. ChatGPT works well communicating with potential talent and delivers it seamlessly. Want proof? The above item description of how chatbots can save you time was written entirely with ChatGPT4. Could you tell it was AI-written? 

  • Personalized Email Automation – Your Communicator

HR managers can use AI tools to personalize communication and ongoing engagement with candidates. It is possible to tailor communication to the individual applicant. AI can review resumes, social media profiles, and online activity to gain insight into the individual being hired by your company. You can know their interests, preferences, and even their communication styles. AI can use this information to send emails and other messaging to candidates, increasing engagement. Personal messaging also makes potential hires feel more valued. 

  • Email Hiring Campaigns

HR departments can implement AI-powered email automation applications to deliver personalized email campaigns to keep candidates engaged. The same tool will also analyze personal information related to the candidate to create custom emails that speak to the individual. Follow-up and assessment emails can also be automated to inform your candidate about their place in the hiring process. 

  • Candidate Experience

It is increasingly important to focus on the candidate’s experience, similar to your organization’s focus on customer experience. AI can also learn more about the applicant’s sentiments about the hiring process. Your HR leaders can review this information, identify the pain points in their employee hiring process, and work towards improving. 

  • Interviews

Your HR management can develop AI-powered video interview tools to deliver an improved candidate experience. AI uses facial recognition and natural language processing to provide powerful insights to recruiters. AI can analyze speech patterns and body language to help recruiters better understand the individual they are choosing to hire. Job interviews can also be automated, saving your HR staff time screening candidates.

  • Resume Scanning

Today’s HR departments often find that after they post an opening, they canget bombarded with thousands of resumes. While many are looking for work, there are now programs using ChatGPT that automatically apply for thousands of jobs at once. AI has been used to scan resumes to choose which may be a better fit for the position. This tool is even more critical now when HR managers have to sort out those with a genuine interest in the job and those automating applications. 

  • Testing

Some positions may require an assessment of skills. Results from tests such as technical skills tests or personality tests can be delivered to both the candidate and HR, allowing both to gain helpful insights into the personality and skills of the applicant. Testing and scoring can be automated through email notices. 

When HR departments leverage AI, a more engaging and personalized experience can be created and delivered to potential new hires. The ease of applying, interviewing, and testing with personalized results can influence top talent by making your company appear more attractive. 


Creating an AI Action Plan

According to studies by Gartner, HR departments must proactively lead their organization in learning to use AI to automate many tasks effectively. It will be essential to develop a strategy that improves the jobs and task performance of current staff but also to deliver the capacity to attract top talent. HR departments will need to be involved in building the skill sets of their existing workforce. Gartner suggests improving employee engagement, compensation packages, and training opportunities to make this transition seamless. 

Humanizing Your Search for Automation and IT Specialists with MENA Alliances


Many HR leaders will find gaining the knowledge to use AI and add task automation effectively overwhelming. To overcome this, adding an AI or IT specialist to your HR department may help with the transition. You must include these strategies to create an effective hiring and recruitment program for your company, but do you need help with hiring issues? Where can you find top automation specialists, developers, and IT staff to help incorporate AI into your hiring and recruitment strategies? How can you enhance the hiring experience for your new hire?

Here, at MENA Alliances, we can help you source from a wealth of verified, skilled talent – ready to start immediately. Finding AI and automation specialists can be done quickly, getting you started on building your HR department’s future.  We help humanize the hiring and recruitment process for corporations worldwide. Our service can help you make impactful hiring decisions that can build a better global community. 

We thank you for your interest in our service, we’d like to be able to personally answer any questions you may have. Let’s schedule a call and talk more on your specific hiring needs and how we can help. You can conveniently schedule the call at your convenience. We look forward to hearing from you! 



Omale, G. (2019, June 19). Gartner Identifies Three Most Common AI Use Cases in HR and Recruiting. Retrieved from Gartner:


Wiles, J. (2018, October 29). Action Plan for HR as Artificial Intelligence Spreads. Retrieved from Gartner:


Why Do Micro-Jobs Matter?

The term “micro-jobs” existed many years ago, but its concept has recently grown to comprise more online tasks in response to the widespread use of the Internet all over the world. This has definitely brought a lot of benefits to different categories of people. However, many are still skeptical about this type of work and doubt it is worth being considered a reliable source of money.

In the beginning, it is so important to define micro jobs as a lot of people are unaware of their existence in the first place. “Micro jobs are a type of temporary work that involves completing assignments or tasks for a fee per assignment. Micro jobs can include work that is completed online or in-person.”[1] In-person micro-tasks include one-time babysitting, dog walking, handyman work, and so on. Online ones are so many; for example, writing blogs & articles, translation, transcription, data entry, graphic design, filling in surveys, designing websites, etc. 

In MENA Alliances, we believe that although micro-jobs are neither a full-time type of job nor a steady source of money, they still make a big profit for both the company and the workers. And here is why:

Source of good money

Despite the fact that a micro job includes doing small tasks for a tiny amount of money, it is worth mentioning that the sum of money one collects from this type of job mainly depends on the number of tasks one accomplishes. So let’s say that a digital task pays 0.20$ and takes 3 mins to complete. In an hour, one will most probably finish 20 of these tasks which means collecting 4$ on an hourly basis. If one works on this type of task for 6 hours a day, this will pay them 24$. Consequently, with continuous work on these tasks, one will almost earn a total of 528$ a month – taking into consideration 8 days of the weekend. That may not be an amount of money that one can rely on for a living – especially in developed countries – but it can help in one’s daily expenses.

Ali was one of the successful examples we had in MENA Alliances. 

He was a university student when he joined our latest micro-job project in which he had to accomplish several mini digital tasks based on AI. He spent his first days of work getting trained on how to carry out the assigned tasks. Later on, he started the real work and increased the number of hours and amount of time he spent accomplishing the work which paid him 500-1000 $ for several months. Thanks to this large income, he could pay off his university’s debts. 

For a student who has no technical skills or experience that could qualify him to land a job in his field of study, that was absolutely a large quantity of money. More importantly, this experience didn’t only pay Ali enough, but it also made him believe in the existence of remote work and how it could be a good source of money if one pays adequate attention to it.

Stepping stone for students and fresh graduates

It is quite hard for students and fresh graduates to land full-time jobs with zero practical experience and no skills. Therefore, they usually search for internships and volunteer opportunities in which they can cultivate their skills and enrich their CVs. Micro-jobs usually do not need any complex skills or experience, and this makes them a perfect learning experience for many.

Since we – in MENA Alliances- are committed to discovering the talented women and youth in the MENA region, we consider micro-jobs as a stepping stone for the talents to start and build a thriving career. Consequently, we established our MENA Alliances training coding program to upskills our talents who are passionate about investing in their soft and technical skills to gain sustainable job opportunities in the tech industry.

Moreover, as our workers accomplish their tasks completely remotely, they get adapted to remote work – which is the recent trend of the business world- as a plus profit!

Huda from Gaza is a great example of this case.

Huda has graduated from English Department and worked as a teacher in a small local teaching center in her neighborhood. Working on one of our micro-job projects was her first remote job ever. This opportunity didn’t only pay her enough to cover her individual expenses, but it also opened the doors of the world of freelancing and remote work; the approach which she adopted for her career life later on.

Convenient for housewives and mothers

Women who got married right after graduation and focused too much on their families are usually totally detached from the work mode. And to put them back on the work track, they need a cushy type of job as a warm-up. Micro-jobs projects will not only improve women’s soft skills to ease their return to work, but they also can make them gain money independently increasing their self-confidence and motivating them to invest their free time and efforts in a real job. Moreover, a lot of mothers choose not to go out and work for the sake of their children, so working on such easy tasks at their homes on their own schedule will certainly be all that they ask for.

“My advice to all moms is to invest well in themselves by organizing their time and working remotely at home. As long as they plan their day, they can do anything!”

This is Amal, one of MENA Alliances’ ambassadors who previously worked on one of our micro-job, AI-based projects. Through this experience, she learned how to take care of all her household duties while being a productive person on her job, as well.

Amal is one of our inspiring examples of how our micro-job projects could change women’s lives and encourage them to get back to work after long years of hiatus. And as we know for sure women everywhere need a chance to show off their abilities, we keep on bringing such projects to the Middle East and North Africa opening doors to thousands of women in the region.

Discover hidden gems

A lot of passionate and talented youths are buried either because of the rareness of opportunities or their lack of experience on how to position themselves in the labor market. Therefore, if nearshoring and outsourcing companies bring micro-job projects into their countries, more young people will have the chance to shine and see the light; especially that such projects usually need a large workforce to finish on time.
Yasmeen from Gaza is a great example of this! 

Yasmeen is a diligent, smart, and hard-working English Education graduate whose first work opportunity was with MENA Alliances. She basically worked on micro-tasks of transcription and stood out as the most passionate and active member within a team of 20 youths, thus was granted a position of team leader for another project. And recently, as Yasmeen showed a high degree of proficiency in communicating and dealing with employees’ matters, she is appointed to the position of Human Resources Director. Such energy and dedication wouldn’t have been invested if such an opportunity was not given to her. Yasmeen is one example, but we have actually got many of MENA Alliances’ hidden gems throughout similar projects of micro-jobs.

For that reason, we in MENA Alliances believe that micro jobs do not only bring benefits to those who work on them individually, but they are rather advantageous for outsourcing and nearshoring companies as for the talented youths they uncover.

In the MENA countries, micro-jobs are unfortunately not as famous as they are in other countries. Therefore, as we are aware of their benefits, we work on these types of projects engaging as many women and youths as to catch up with the great progress that the developed countries have achieved throughout the previous decades.

Writing To Be HEARD

 Writing To Be HEARD

MENA Alliances would like to invite you to start writing your thoughts, insights, tips and experiences in the freelancing or outsourcing field.  Please send us your article in Arabic or English to publish it on our blog at [email protected]. We will choose articles to print in our upcoming newsletters.