Dream Big, Go Global!


I’m Sabry, a driven young backend developer who has always nurtured ambitious dreams throughout my professional journey. My career trajectory took flight when I made the bold decision to explore global opportunities, not merely for professional advancement but also to cultivate enriching experiences and embrace the constant stream of thrilling challenges that the tech world offers.

Setting out on this adventure was a challenge from the very beginning, but I harnessed the power of social media and the LinkedIn platform to search for the perfect opportunity. During this continuous pursuit, I came across MENA Alliances. Opting for them wasn’t a random decision; it was a choice based on their outstanding reputation, steadfast dedication to excellence, and transparent presence in local, regional, and global markets. Right from our first interaction, I felt an extraordinary level of support and dedication from the MENA Alliances team.

From my very first conversation to the moment I secured my remote position with a U.S.-based company, I received meticulous career guidance and essential support to navigate the interview process with the international clients. The evaluation process was thorough, beginning with an introductory interview conducted by the MENA team. They assessed not only my attitude, personality, and English language proficiency but also rigorously tested my technical skills. Subsequently, I went through a series of interviews with the client, where they thoroughly explored the depths of my technical skills, evaluated my cultural fit, clarified the scope of work, discussed job responsibilities, and addressed any pertinent concerns.

Now, after a short period of being part of a U.S.based company’s team, I can confidently affirm that this opportunity has been a transformative force in both my professional and personal life. I eagerly embrace fresh challenges and am constantly expanding my knowledge.

In just three months since signing my contract with the U.S.based company, my financial situation has witnessed remarkable improvement, thanks to the competitive salary I received.

To all professionals aspiring to advance their careers to new heights, I wholeheartedly recommend actively seeking out opportunities and making the most of each chance that comes your way, especially through esteemed recruitment agencies like MENA Alliances.




Opportunities are everywhere, and success is achievable. Don’t hold onto your dreams. Check out our career page, apply to MENA Alliances today, and go after your dreams with all your heart!


Dreams Are Bigger Than Boundaries!

Young college-educated women in Palestine face many challenges as they pursue their dreams and careers. Despite having degrees and aspirations that extend beyond the walls that confine their territory, these women often encounter obstacles that limit their opportunities. Politics may create boundaries, but these resilient women are proving their dreams have no bounds. Through the power of the internet, these women are proving their place on the world stage.


Politics may create boundaries, but these resilient women are proving their dreams have no bounds


Women and girls living in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) often face discrimination and are at risk of gender-based violence (GBV). Cultural norms can restrict women to traditional female professional roles, leaving little room for advancement. Young girls often lack role models to look up to, which can hinder their aspirations for advancing professionally. Unemployment is high in the region, with a rate of over 25%, and those who are working may be satisfied with just keeping their jobs rather than advancing into leadership roles. These roadblocks can make it more challenging for women to move into leadership positions, especially in male-dominated businesses.


Progress for Women in Palestine

Despite these challenges, progress is being made. Female participation in the Palestinian workforce has doubled in the past seven years and now stands at 19%. Women make up 50% of those enrolled in local universities and they are increasingly taking control of their business ideas and starting new companies. MENA Alliances is one organization that is working to help alleviate poverty and injustice in the MENA region by creating jobs for over one million disadvantaged women and young people from the region. They provide training, job opportunities, and growth while promoting social justice, and economic opportunity.

Talented Palestinian Woman Connects to Dream Job 

Raneem is a talented individual with a wide range of website management and SEO skills. With expertise in WordPress, Sala, Joomla, T-Soft, SKwid, and mastery of the Yoast SEO Tool, Google Search Console, and Google Analytics, Raneem is well-equipped to handle the challenges of on-page SEO management.

As a young woman interested in tech, Raneem dreamed of working with multinational companies. She had hoped to find mentors to enrich her experience and help her build worldwide expertise. Thanks to MENA Alliances, Raneem was allowed to work as an SEO specialist for a US company. This experience was precious for Raneem and helped her grow personally and professionally.

“Working with multinational companies and mentors to enrich my experience and build a worldwide expertise was one of my dreams. MENA Alliances provided me with the opportunity to work as an SEO specialist for a US company. This experience was the greatest as it added to me a lot. THANK YOU, MENA Alliances, for pointing me in the proper direction.” – Raneem

Raneem is grateful to MENA Alliances for providing this opportunity and helping her discover E-work or remote work options. She is excited to continue building her SEO and website management skills and expertise.

Resources Help Dreamers Overcome Boundaries

In Raneem’s case, MENA Alliance was a resource. It was the support system she needed to get outside the barrier she felt within her country. Tech companies who choose impact sourcing through these organizations provide a valuable resource to women like her. This hiring option lifts not just the worker, but the entire community in which she lives. Raneem has been able to reach her dreams, and through her example to other women and youth in the region, others will learn they, too, are capable. Raneem, who worked hard to achieve her education and background, now also has the pride of actualizing her dream to include in her life’s accomplishments. 



  • Mardirossian, T. (2019, April). Challenges Facing Palestinian Women. Retrieved from The Wilson Center: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/challenges-facing-palestinian-women
  • The Power of E-Work: Creating Opportunities for Young Women in the West Bank and Gaza. (2019, November). Retrieved from World Bank: https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/147761583135333286/pdf/The-Power-of-E-Work-Creating-Opportunities-for-Young-Women-in-the-West-Bank-and-Gaza.pdf

The CEO’s Guide to AI: How to Leverage Technology to Streamline Your Workday

As a CEO, your ability to maximize your productivity during your day is essential to success. Good time management skills are crucial, but never at the cost of missing information that could have provided you with valuable insights needed to make strategic decisions. With AI and ChatGPT, you can get defined results, quick answers, leveraged power, and clear time-savings.  

“The adaptation to a world deeply integrated with AI tools is probably going to happen pretty quickly; the benefits have too much upside. These tools will help us be more productive, healthier, smarter, and more entertained.” – Sam Altman, CEO, Open AI

The Benefits of Leveraging AI 

Leveraging AI in your workday provides numerous benefits such as saving time, improving productivity, and making better decisions. Automating repetitive tasks frees up your time to focus on more pressing initiatives. AI helps you streamline your workflow by providing valuable insights and recommendations. AI-powered tools also offer improved accuracy by analyzing data and providing precise insights. Before starting, seek an AI consultation with your tech team member to help you set up effective tools such as Grammarly for continuous improvement of your writing. 

Use the Right Type of AI Tool 

To use AI effectively and streamline your workday, identify tasks that can be automated and delegate them to AI-powered tools. Choose a tool that handles multiple tasks and blends well with your existing systems. Integrating AI tools seamlessly into your workflow frees up time to focus on more important initiatives. Keep up with the latest AI trends and technologies to identify new opportunities and stay ahead of the competition. There are basic types of tools and categories:

  • Virtual Assistants
  • Project Management Software
  • Time Management
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Speech Recognition Software
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Talent Acquisition Software
  • Finance Management Software
  • Market Analysis Software

Top AI Tools for CEOs

There are numerous AI-powered tools available that can help CEOs streamline their workday. The list can be endless, but here are tools that consistently come up on top. You don’t need to use all of them but have your consultant help choose the ones most effective for you, your business and your systems.

    • Zoom.ai – an AI-powered personal assistant helps automate tasks such as scheduling meetings, sending follow-up emails, and ordering lunch.
    • Trelloa collaboration tool to help you manage your projects more efficiently. With Trello, you create boards for different projects and tasks, assign tasks, teams, and track progress in real-time.
    • Lindy – your AI personal assistant, a CEO’s job on autopilot. 
    • RescueTime – a time management tool that helps you improve your productivity. With RescueTime, you track how you spend your time on your computer and mobile devices and get insights on optimizing your time.
    • Writesonic – a platform many companies turn to for content. You can create content with source material links 10x faster. This AI-writing and image-generating platform creates SEO-optimized and plagiarism-free content.
    • Notion.so – an all-in-one workspace that uses AI to help you manage your tasks, notes, and projects. With Notion.so, you can collaborate with your team, track progress, and get insights on optimizing your workflow.
    • Grammarly – an AI-powered writing assistant that helps you improve your writing skills. With Grammarly, you can get suggestions on improving your grammar, spelling, and punctuation and even get feedback on the tone of your writing.
    • x.ai – an AI-powered scheduling tool that helps you schedule meetings more efficiently. With x.ai, you can cc Amy or Andrew (the AI assistants) in your emails, and they will schedule the appointment for you.
    • AIssistify – your AI marketing team in a tool. Get ready to create marketing Ads, campaigns, emails and more with AI. 
    • Hootsuite – an AI-powered social media management tool to help manage your social media accounts more efficiently. With Hootsuite, you can schedule posts, track metrics, and even automate specific tasks such as responding to comments.
    • Cleo – an AI financial assistant that helps manage your finances more efficiently. With Cleo, you track your expenses, set budgets, and even get insights on how to save money.
    • Google Assistant – an AI-powered personal assistant that can help you automate tasks such as setting reminders, sending messages, and even making phone calls. With Google Assistant, your time is valued, and any critical duties will have your much-needed focus.
    • Microsoft Copilot – If you’re continuing to write code, this coding assistant can help you write it more efficiently. With Microsoft Copilot, you can get suggestions on improving your code, generating code snippets, and even writing entire functions.
    • Slack – a collaboration tool that can help communicate with your team more efficiently. With Slack, you create channels for different projects and tasks, collaborate with your team in real time, and even automate specific tasks, such as sending notifications.
  • Bardeen – is an automation tool that can help you automate simple tasks without knowing any code.

Best Practices for Integrating AI into Your Workflow

Integrating AI into your workflow can be complex, but some best practices can help. Here are best practices for integrating AI into your workflow:

  • Start Small: Start by identifying a few tasks that can be automated and delegating them to AI-powered tools. You should get comfortable with using AI and build confidence in its capabilities.
  • Choose the Right Tools: Choose AI-powered tools that integrate well with your existing systems and processes and are easy for you and your team.
  • Train Yourself and Your Team: Take the time to train yourself and your team on how to use AI-powered tools effectively. Ensure everyone is getting the same training so you get the most of your investment in AI.
  • Measure Your Results: Track your progress and measure the results of your AI implementation. Identify areas to improve then make informed decisions about optimizing your workflow.

AI Implementation Services for Businesses

Where do you start? What processes can be handled by AI? AI implementation or automation services can help you better understand the potential for AI in your business. These services can help you identify opportunities for leveraging AI, choose the right tools, and integrate them seamlessly into your workflow. You can find automation specialists to help you walk through the steps of your business process to eliminate unnecessary steps and automate those that AI can manage. 

Fortune 500 Companies Show Successful AI Integration in the C-Suite

Numerous companies have successfully integrated AI into their C-suite workflows. For example, IBM has leveraged AI-powered tools to help its CEO make informed product development and marketing decisions. Similarly, Coca-Cola has used AI to improve its supply chain management and reduce costs.

AI-Powered Decision-Making Works

AI can play an essential role in decision-making for C-level executives. AI can help inform strategic decisions and identify new opportunities by analyzing data and providing insights. However, it’s important to remember that AI should be used to support decision-making, not replace it entirely.

As a CEO, it’s vital to leverage AI-powered tools to inform your decision-making and rely on your expertise and experience to make informed decisions. 

Future Trends in AI and Its Impact on the CEO Role

As AI continues to advance, it will provide CEOs with valuable insights and enable them to focus on strategic initiatives. However, it’s important to remember that AI is not a substitute for human expertise and experience. CEOs must rely on their instincts and insights to make informed decisions, and workers should be taught to use AI as a tool to enhance their performance. Additionally, AI needs human judgment and expertise to continually improve its ability to connect with your target audience. Marrying AI with your human workforce is crucial to lead your business effectively into the future.

Takeaways for CEOs Looking to Leverage AI Technology

In conclusion, to effectively leverage the power of AI, CEOs should start by identifying the tasks best suited for automation. It involves carefully assessing the organization’s workflows and processes to determine which can be streamlined with AI tools. Once the appropriate functions have been identified, choosing the right tools and integrating them seamlessly into the workflow is essential. You will need to commit to staying current with the latest developments in the field, which requires a deep understanding of the capabilities and limitations of different AI technologies.

CEOs can gain a competitive edge in their industry by effectively utilizing AI as a tool to enhance their work. However, more is needed to adopt AI technology and hope for the best. CEOs must also be able to demonstrate the impact of AI throughout your organization, both in terms of improved efficiency and cost savings, as well as better decision-making and strategic planning. You must be willing to invest in your people. Investing in training and development programs that help employees understand how to use AI tools effectively to create a powerful workforce.

Ultimately, the key to success with AI lies in a willingness to embrace change and experiment with new ideas. By staying open-minded and constantly looking for ways to improve workflows and processes, CEOs can harness the full potential of AI and drive their organizations forward in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.


AI for CEOs. (2023). Retrieved from All Things AI: https://allthingsai.com/ai-for-ceos

Altman, S. (2023, February 18). Sam Altman . Retrieved from Twitter: https://twitter.com/sama/status/1627110888321978368

How CEOs Can Tap AIs Full Potential. (2019). Retrieved from PwC: https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/innovation/assets/how-ceos-can-tap-ai-full-potential.pdf


Making the Most of Impact Hiring Through Win-Win Partnerships

A partnership between MENA Alliances and Figure Eight in the USA created a beneficial collaboration while making the most of impact hiring. Both organizations work to use hiring as a means to make social change. Known as impact sourcing, corporations understand the value that it creates for their businesses. It starts with hiring and developing individuals who may otherwise face barriers to economic opportunities. The benefits of this hiring strategy are reaped by everyone involved.

MENA Alliances provide access to skilled professionals from the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region. The organization has grown to represent a valued recruitment and placement model that provides much-needed talent from the area.


Figure Eight, an Appen company, combines the best of human and machine intelligence to provide high-quality annotated training data that powers the world’s most innovative machine learning (ML) and business solutions.

These factors underpin the value of impact hiring: talent practices that create business advantage through hiring and developing individuals who face barriers to economic opportunity. MENA Alliances provides innovative technology jobs for many in the MENA region who often face barriers to employment opportunities. 

“MENA Alliances is the talent factory, the laboratory of dreamers, and the hand of the lost. I am one of the dozens of the MENA Alliances’ success stories, of which I was once a part. There is no limit to my love, happiness, thanks, and gratitude to MENA Alliances in particular.” – Yasmeena, GAZA.

Talent Factory of the World – Hope for Hungry Dreams

There can be no more tremendous honor than to be in the business of delivering hope to those in need. MENA Alliances build up the individual and set them on the path to success. We all have been taught the parable ‘Teach a man to fish.” In these areas, troubled economies have left many people with skills and talent, but still needing help to fish. There are no local streams.

MENA Alliances connects tech companies that need coding and tech skills with workers from the Middle East and North Africa regions. It restores the confidence of the individual worker and brings much-needed resources to their families and communities. It changes lives. Companies who contract through MENA Alliances get real value in return. The work is top-quality and done at a low cost. The employee is thorough, professional, and grateful. 

When someone faces a crisis and a window of opportunity opens, it means much more to them. The success of achievement matters more. Each step of their journey may have come with tears, visible or invisible scars, and possible loss. For MENA Alliance, a successful candidate is more than a hire or a job placement; it is a chance for life to change, for a human being to alter their path, and an opportunity for someone to become a superhero. All MENA Alliance talent success stories are heroes to their families and communities. 

A MENA Alliance Talent Success: Huda Wajeh Matrabie 


Huda Wajeh Matrabie is an example of how MENA Alliances developed success in an individual. Huda recently had the opportunity to work on a year-long data-labeling project. Her technical and people skills shined through as she learned the skills of freelancing remote jobs. 

Her fresh attitude and hard work were appealing to those around her. She became a leader to others quickly and continued to believe in her ability to do more. She has struggled with her self-esteem for some time as she had difficulty finding a job that matched her education level after graduation. After joining MENA Alliances, she found an organization whose goal was for the greater good – to bring jobs to those who faced obstacles and were less fortunate so everyone had an opportunity for success. 

“From Nothing to Something” – Hear for Yourself the Human Depth of Impact Hiring

“I’m Huda Wajeh Matrabie from Gaza _ Palestine, currently working as an English language teacher. From nothing to something. I will share my story of working with MENA Alliances. 

I am grateful for a lot and owe that to MENA Alliances. It was the first company that put me on the steps of the freelancing world by doing entry-level remote jobs without even having the previous experience to accomplish these tasks. Being surrounded by energetic people that I had never known before allowed me to think bigger than I probably ever would have thought. 

In 2019, as a fresh graduate with no opportunities in front of my eyes and the absence of jobs in Gaza after graduation. MENA Alliances believed in our abilities as women to be an “Innovation for Hope.” We could do the easy task of teaching machines and artificial intelligence. These small steps led us to something bigger and more significant in the coming months and the chance to become more worthy. 

I began doing easy tasks on the client’s platform, then to being a coordinator for MENA Coding school. Our work filled a large part of our life. The only way to be truly satisfied was to do what we believed was great work. The only way to do great work was to love what we were doing in those days. 

It was a chance to work with people from different cultures and backgrounds. It was the time to tell the students more about MENA Alliances and how they would help them start their career paths in coding. Without a doubt, it was a fruitful and unique experience.

You can do huge things with a small team and MENA Alliances. It was literally like that!”


Ahmed Kortas: The Motivation to Make A Difference

One of the main principles that MENA Alliances has always called for is “diversity”, and we applied it in our work and different programs. Our Coding Training Program is not an exception as we opened the door for trainers from around the world to join. 
Ahmad Kortas is one example!!
Kortas is a developer from Tunisia who joined our amazing group of volunteer trainers to help the Palestinian students become professional developers ready to compete in the global labor market and get job opportunities in tech. While helping the students through their long journey, he communicates with other trainers from the UK, Jordan, and Palestine and develops his soft and hard skills. Connected with people from various countries and with different ideas and expertise, our trainers enjoy a unique learning experience through their own journey within our program.
We interviewed Ahmad Kortas to know more about his journey from the beginning until joining our Coding Program.
Kortas’s Beginnings in Programming:
“From an early age, I was passionate about computers and their programs and I have always loved programming and wanted to specialize and work in this field. Therefore, I joined an intensive & comprehensive training program – supported by the HackReactor in the US – of computer and soft skills and graduated the (Full-Stack) phase with excellence. Later on, I have moved to pursue my studies in Germany in the same field. Therefore, I am now able to share basic programming skills and teach them to others.”
Why did you join MENA Alliances’ Coding Training Program?
“I got to know Mena Alliances through LinkedIn, and the company’s continuous keenness to help the youth by building good opportunities for their future attracted me the most. Therefore, I contacted them to join and help them in the mission that I now adopt.”
What motivates you to voluntarily teach and help our students?
“The students’ constant hunger to learn is the main factor that encourages me to keep on training them till now in the Coding Training Program.”
“They don’t spare any opportunity to gain new knowledge and constantly want to learn and develop. This is honestly what motivates me to train and mentor them. In fact, I have always loved being part of the great changes in others’ lives and helping young people to create new opportunities for their future, and the program makes me practice what I enjoy.”
Our Coding Training Program is not the only one that teaches coding, what difference do you see in it?
“The main goal of the Coding Training Program is to create great opportunities for Palestinian youth in particular, and the youth of the MENA region in general with the help of people who care for each other in a supportive community. This is what makes it different!”
What does the program add to you?
“Working with MENA Alliances in this program makes me so happy. It definitely adds to my expertise and introduces me to a new culture, which helps me to develop my skills in both, the professional and personal levels.”
To conclude this interesting interview, Kortas said:
“Based on my deep belief that people exist for the benefit of others and to get benefit from them, this program has made me help others in a very wonderful way.”


Join Us:

You have an opportunity to join Ahmad Kortas and the other trainers as we are specifically looking for experienced technical mentors to teach our students and review their work for the next phase of our program in the following topics:
UX Design
To apply, fill in this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfJgWIT6QzxJUpBqP4da0zIPB4rGlEqyzsQhhY0T41kxHXiTg/viewform 
You can read Ahmad Kortas’s interview in Arabic here:


كيف بدأت رحلة أحمد قرطاس في البرمجة؟

لطالما أحببت البرمجة ورغبت التخصّص والعمل في هذا المجال، فمنذ مراحل مبكرة من عمري كنت شغوفاً بالحاسوب وبرامجه، لتبدأ مسيرتي العملية في عالم البرمجة بعد ذلك بانضمامي لبرنامج تدريبي مكثف في تونس، والذي كان بدعم من المخيم التدريبي (HackReactor) في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، كان برنامجاً شاملاً للمهارات الحاسوبية والحياتية كالتواصل الفعال، والإلقاء المؤثر، والعمل الجماعي، لأنهي بذلك مرحلة (Full Stack) بامتياز بعد ستة أشهر من العمل اليومي المكثف وأصبح قادراً على مشاركة المهارات الأساسية في البرمجة وتعلميها لغيري، لا سيما بعد التدريب على الإلقاء الذي أعانني عليه البرنامج، وانطلاقاً من سعيي الدؤوب لدوام التعلم، وخلق فرص جديدة لنفسي ولغيري، انتقلت لأكمل دراستي في ألمانيا بالمجال نفسه.


ما الذي جذبك للانضمام لمينا ألاينسز والبرنامج؟

تعرفت على شركة مينا ألاينسز من خلال منصة التوظيف (LinkedIn)، وقد جذب انتباهي للشركة حرصهم الشديد على التطوير الدائم لفئة الشباب، ومساعدتهم ببناء فرص جيدة لهم ولمستقبلهم، فكان هذا أحد أهم الأمور التي شجعتني لمراسلة الشركة والانضمام إليهم، إذ إنه الدافع ذاته الذي تكون لدي بعد تخرجي من المخيم التدريبي في تونس.


ما الذي يدفعك للاستمرار بتعليم طلابنا والاشراف عليهم بشكل تطوعي ؟

انضممت لمدرسة مينا للبرمجة لأقابل ثُلّة من الطلاب المميزين الراغبين بالاستسقاء الدائم من العلم، ولن أغفل الحديث عن أن رغبة الطلاب الدائمة في التعلم ساعدت كثيراً على تشجيعي للاستمرار معهم، فأحببتهم، وأحببت حرصهم، وأحببت سرعة تقدمهم وتطورهم وتطبيقهم لما يتعلّموه خلال اللقاءات التي نعقدها ضمن البرنامج، فلطالما أحببت أن أكون جزءًا من التغييرات العميقة في مسار حياة غيري ومساعدة الشباب الناشئة على خلق فرص جديدة لمستقبلهم.


برأيك، ما المختلف في هذا البرنامج عن بقية البرامج؟

أرى في برنامج مدرسة مينا للبرمجة فارقاً كبيراً عن غيره من البرامج لا سيما من الناحية المادية، إذ إنه برنامج غير ربحي، هدفه الأساسي خلق فرص من أقل الإمكانيات، لتنهض بالشاب الفلسطيني على وجه الخصوص، والشاب العربي على وجه العموم بمساعدة أشخاص يهتمون لبعضهم البعض ضمن مجتمع متعاون وداعم، دون البحث عن مقابل مادي لهذا العطاء، إنما هدفه الأول والأخير هو مساعدة الشباب في إثبات أحقيتهم بالحصول على فرص خصوصاً ممن لا تتوافر لديهم الإمكانات الكبيرة.


ماذا يضيف لك البرنامج؟

سعيد جداً في العمل مع شركة مينا ألاينسز فقد أضافت لي خبرة جديدة، وعرّفتني على ثقافة جديدة، مما أعانني على تنمية مهاراتي وقدراتي على الصعيد العملي –في البرمجة- وكذلك على الصعيد الشخصي، انطلاقاً من إيماني العميق بأن الإنسان وُجِد ليُفيد ويستفيد، وأعانني هذا البرنامج كي أفيد غيري بشكل استثنائي جميل.



About Us:

MENA Alliances is a nearshoring company – for-profit with a social mission- that aims to provide a high-quality remote workforce on-demand. It desires to solve the problem of a local talent shortage for automation while creating economic opportunities for women and young people in the MENA region. Our teams can scale in a short time and handle small to large projects.
We are on a mission to alleviate poverty and injustice in the MENA region by creating jobs for women and young people in this region. So far, we have trained more than 3000 women and young people and created 700+ job opportunities for disadvantaged people by connecting them with jobs from Europe, the USA (such as Silicon Valley), and the Gulf region. 
Code Your Future (CYF) is a non-profit institution in the United Kingdom that trains refugees and other disadvantaged groups to become web developers to help them find jobs in the field of technology.

To communicate with us: 

Abeer Abu Gaith ( The founder and the CEO ):

[email protected]  

Noor Abu Gaith ( Project coordinator ):

[email protected]  

Nidaa Awawdeh: A Big Dream & Tireless Perseverance

“I want to found a startup that can help people with disabilities to learn and work in programming in the future.”
– Nidaa 
Our training program did not finish yet, and the stories of our students are still being created. However, an inspiring story like Nidaa Awawdeh can not go unnoticed until the end of the program. From the first day, she showed a great passion and commitment to learning programming, so we were curious about her motive and interviewed her.
Awawdeh is a Computer Engineering graduate from Hebron. Her higher education did not fully fulfill her learning needs. Therefore, right after her graduation, she focused on improving her hard and soft skills, so she took more than 20 courses in many fields; especially Business and Personal Development (PD).
“Studying more than one profession while working might slow down my progress, but at the end of the day, I will get more opportunities in the job market as an all-rounded candidate.”
This was her comment when we asked her about organizing her occupied time as she is currently pursuing a Diploma degree in Business Management and Web Development (throughout our training program) and works as a freelance content writer.
Why programming? 

“Programming is the future language of the world.

Honestly speaking, I was born with a physical disability, and I have always dreamed to become a doctor and help people with similar disabilities. However, as I’ve grown up, I realized that technology and programming are becoming the major keys to solving the world’s daily problems; especially the problems of people with special needs. Driven by my lifetime goal, I approached programming with a lot of passion, and day by day, I found myself getting more attached to it and persistent to surpass its difficulty & tackle its challenges.”

Regarding her participation in our Coding Training Program, Nidaa told us that she has known about MENA Alliances when she met Abeer Abu Ghaith – MENA Alliances’ Founder & CEO – in one of the consultation sessions in which Abeer joined to consult young entrepreneurs who wanted to start their own business. 
“At that time, I have been planning to found my own tech startup, but I needed a lot of help and did not know how to start. Speaking with Abeer inspired me to work harder for a more solid start of my business, and this is why I enrolled in this training program.” 
Speaking about her goal of joining our coding program made us curious about the type of startups she wants to start and her future plans.
“I am planning to establish a tech startup that can teach, train and help 1 million disabled people on programming in a ten-year period; this is my big dream. I do not spare any day of my life without achieving something – big or small- to pull me closer to my dream.”
When we asked her for a bit of advice to people who want to learn to program but feel unmotivated to start, she answered with a lot of passion:
“Simply, start loving it! Once you show yourself how much you like programming, you will keep going on regardless of any obstacles and even feel thrilled in overcoming the challenges you face on the road. I believe that patience can also help you a lot in your journey, so don’t rush to get the great results; they are coming as long as you work hard.”
Nidaa’s noble dream and perseverance set a new example proving to us that disability is not the inability to move, but rather the absence of passion and hard work!
Do you wish to support the big dreams of our inspiring students? You can mentor the students or sponsor our Coding Training Program bu contacting us at:

Abeer Abu Gaith ( The founder and the CEO ):

[email protected] 

Noor Abu Gaith ( Project Coordinator ):

[email protected] 


About Us:

MENA Alliances is a nearshoring company – for-profit with a social mission- that aims to provide a high-quality remote workforce on-demand. It desires to solve the problem of a local talent shortage for automation while creating economic opportunities for women and young people in the MENA region. Our teams can scale in a short time and handle small to large projects.
We are on a mission to alleviate poverty and injustice in the MENA region by creating jobs for women and young people in this region. So far, we have trained more than 3000 women and young people and created 700+ job opportunities for disadvantaged people by connecting them with jobs from Europe, the USA (such as Silicon Valley), and the Gulf region. 
Code Your Future (CYF) is a non-profit institution in the United Kingdom that trains refugees and other disadvantaged groups to become web developers to help them find jobs in the field of technology.

Coding Training Program: Preparation for The Third Phase

We concluded the second phase of our Coding Training Program with 22 successful students who were ready to bravely uncover the new adventures of the next phase “Full-Stack Web Development”.

  • Overview:

In this preparatory stage, we hold technical and personal development sessions to keep our students connected with each other and with the learning process till we start the Full-Stack Development stage. Moreover, the third phase is planned to be intensive and packed with various new materials and tasks, so with these weekly meetings, our trainers equip the students with the adequate skills to relieve any possible stress they might have.

This month, our students have made progress on several levels illustrated in the following points:

  • Technical Skill

The students have been trained on an introduction to JavaScript in a practical type of session. They are given some problems to solve and discuss together during the meeting and homework to do alone. In this way, we make sure the students are more engaged in programming and learn new techniques to code.

  • Soft Skills

At the hands of an experienced personal development coach, our students learn new skills, such as building a professional CV. They also learn how to control stress and turn it into a motive to work harder. Besides this, the trainer keeps giving them regular pieces of advice and encourages them to keep up the good work. 

In addition to this, the students have participated in a Career Fair attended by startups from the USA and experienced job interviews with international companies. Through such events, we aim to put our students in different learning opportunities that can help them grow vocationally and improve their soft skills that are crucial for their career lives.

  • English Skills

To prepare our students to enter the international labor market in the future, we are keen to enhance their English language skills. Using different teaching methods like quizzes, games, presentations, and reading articles. These sessions enrich the students’ vocabulary and motivate them to practice English more.

Join Us:

We need experienced developers and personal development coaches to mentor our students in this life-changing journey. To join our community and support the program – wherever you are based – contact us:

Abeer Abu Gaith ( The founder and the CEO ):

[email protected] 

Noor Abu Gaith ( Project Coordinator ):

[email protected] 


About Us:

MENA Alliances is a nearshoring company – for-profit with a social mission- that aims to provide a high-quality remote workforce on-demand. It desires to solve the problem of a local talent shortage for automation while creating economic opportunities for women and young people in the MENA region. Our teams can scale in a short time and handle small to large projects.
We are on a mission to alleviate poverty and injustice in the MENA region by creating jobs for women and young people in this region. So far, we have trained more than 3000 women and young people and created 700+ job opportunities for disadvantaged people by connecting them with jobs from Europe, the USA (such as Silicon Valley), and the Gulf region. 
Code Your Future (CYF) is a non-profit institution in the United Kingdom that trains refugees and other disadvantaged groups to become web developers to help them find jobs in the field of technology.

MENA Alliances’ Recruitment Process

“Acquiring the right talent is the most important key to growth. Hiring was – and still is – the most important thing we do.”
– Marc Bennioff, Founder of Salesforce
Throughout our journey in the field of connecting global companies with the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) professionals, we realized how finding the right talent and linking it to the appropriate job opportunity is much more than just a business. This job has been bringing employment opportunities for talented women & young people in the Middle East & North Africa’s untapped market.
Therefore, our hiring process has gone through many improvements until it reached the current version which meets our clients’ different needs and gets the best out of the MENA’s professionals.
Our work is not limited to hiring developers – they are the most demanded category nowadays, though – but we also source designers, translators, voice-over performers, content writers, admin assistants, and transcribers, just to name a few. We also provide a variety of flexible service delivery models that fit our clients’ business requirements, such as staff augmentation, dedicated team, and project-based sourcing models.
So how do we guarantee to acquire the TOP talents while managing the diverse requirements?
This is all managed through an adaptable recruitment process implemented by the collaborative efforts of the MENA Alliances’ team and is summarized in the following 10 steps:

  • Identifying the Hiring Need.

The whole hiring process and its success depend mainly on identifying the recruitment needs accurately. And to do so, we listen carefully to the client and ask the right questions that enable us to lay our hands on their priorities, business goals, development gaps, talent shortage, budget, and other particular needs. 
“MENA Alliances team’s ability to listen to our needs and work with us in growing the team as needed have made them true and valued partners!”
– Naama, COO of Colabo 
This is how one of our clients in the USA describes our partnership.

  • Devise the Recruitment Plan.

After we discuss the client’s requirements, we make the necessary adjustments to our recruitment plan to fulfill their specific needs. Modifying the plan includes strategizing how to publicize the hiring position, criteria for candidate screening, what the assessment approach will consist of, and how the interview process will look like; all based on the client’s terms.
“MENA Alliances’s flexibility has allowed us to recruit both temporary enforcement for immediate short tasks and to grow our team on a more permanent basis with senior and experienced developers working remotely alongside our in-house developers.”

  • Writing a Job Description.

To get the right person to apply to the job, it all starts with the job description!
In the job description, we write the necessary information that we need the applicants to be aware of before applying to save our time and efforts in the reviewing step. This comprises a clearly defined job title, a straight-to-the-point job overview, a list of specific anticipated responsibilities, and required skills. And we conclude it with a strong call-to-action to encourage high-quality candidates to submit their applications.

  • Advertising the Position

At this phase, we start implementing the recruitment plan that we set earlier. 
Finding highly-qualified potential candidates begins internally as we look through our talent database to pick up from the available candidates that we assessed in previous hiring processes but did not get chosen. Then, we check the availability of the needed talents in our network.
In addition to that, we advertise the job vacancy externally on our social media platforms and job posting sites, like LinkedIn, and spread it out to our online community and other remote workforces. Besides that, our recruitment team uses “headhunting” to find the right professionals for the job. 
By using different approaches in this stage, we get the best of the best professionals. 

  • Reviewing, Screening, and Shortlisting Applications

Once we receive job applications, our recruitment team reviews them regularly on the basis of minimum qualification. 
Later on, they filter and sort the CVs that have the preferred credentials by looking at the expertise and the specific skills that are required for the role.
Finally, the most qualified candidates are shortlisted to the next phase, and we send them emails to inform them about their acceptance and arrange for an interview.

  • Initial Interview & Assessment 

Our recruitment team prepares for the first video interview to get to know the shortlisted applicants face-to-face before nominating them for our client.
The shortlisted applicants get filtered after the interview based on the requirements of our client, English skills,  and their level of professionalism, and the final candidates are sent to the client to prepare for the next level of assessment.
Paying a lot of efforts in this stage drove our clients to consistently praise our speed and accuracy in shortlisting the best candidates to the interview, as one of our regular clients says:
 “We have reached out several times with very specific talent requirements and were matched with relevant interviewees within a day or two. We are constantly impressed by the developers we meet and have yet to have an irrelevant interview!”
We also add the final shortlisted candidate in our database for future job nominations in case they did not get the current client’s job opportunity. (As mentioned in step 4)

  • Technical Test/Interview. 

The second level of assessment is more accurate in testing the candidates’ basic technical skills that are crucial for the job.
If it is a translator role, we prepare a project-specific type of test to examine the candidate’s translation skills and make sure that it matches our client’s particular needs.
If it is a developer role, we hold a technical interview in which specific web-development tools are used to evaluate the candidate’s programming skills and performance.
And so on and so forth!

  • Soft Skills Interviews

For technical skills are not the only necessary requirements for a perfect job candidate, we hold another interview to take a deeper look at the interviewees’ characters, adaptability to work in a different culture, language skills, communication skills, etc. We also check their backgrounds and references for a better view of their suitability for the position.
These interviews are usually held in the presence of the client who has the last word on who to stay and who to leave.

  • Onboarding

After choosing the successful candidate/s who pass the multi-level assessment process, we send them the job offer and the contract with all the clear details. 
And by this stage, we succeed in linking the right talent to the appropriate job opportunity.
Nevertheless, our job is not done yet!

  • Talent Management

The talents that we hire for our clients are still considered our responsibility. Whether they are a team or individuals, we manage their workflow with the client, check their performance and progress, solve their problems, and pay their salaries.
“Working with MENA Alliances has been super effective to our company. The team is very helpful and supportive and they go the extra mile to support your mission.”
To recap, what makes us a trustworthy hiring partner for many of our clients is our constant efforts and passion to bring them the most fitting talent from the best of the best of the MENA’s untapped talent pool and ensure they are satisfied even after the hiring.

About Us:

MENA Alliances is a nearshoring company – for-profit with a social mission- that aims to provide a high-quality remote workforce on-demand. It desires to solve the problem of a local talent shortage for automation while creating economic opportunities for women and young people in the MENA region. Our teams have the ability to scale in a short time and handle small to large projects.
We are on a mission to alleviate poverty and injustice in the MENA region by creating jobs for women and young people in this region. So far, we have trained more than 3000 women and young people and created 700+ job opportunities for disadvantaged people by connecting them with jobs from Europe, the USA (such as Silicon Valley), and the Gulf region. 
Are you looking for new talents to work on your diverse projects on your own terms?

Contact us:  

Email: [email protected] 

Phone: +970 59-938-8102

Whatsapp: +44 7380 980791

Coding Training Program: The Fundamentals Phase


  • Overview:

MENA Alliances has recently concluded the second phase “Fundamentals” of its Coding Training Program in collaboration with Code Your Future from the UK over four consecutive weeks
During this stage, our students get a gentle introduction to what programming is, why they want to learn and how to start learning. 
In light of this, we held various types of training meetings that can bring our students the benefits that they need to compete and stay strong in the labor market. This includes different parts, like technical sessions, mentorship, personal development (PD) sessions, English classes, study groups, and “Ya3ni Talk” conversations.

  • Technical Training:

Our students are taught the basics of JavaScript and other programming languages by experienced developers in tech along with extra online study resources. They are also provided with various software and online easily accessible tools such as “Khan Academy” and “Code. Org” to help them practice, apply their studies and equip them with self-learning skills. 
Moreover, in an attempt to lighten up the mood during the meeting, we conclude with a test that measures the students’ understanding of the studied materials using the “Kahoot” gaming site. And to communicate professionally, the students and trainers use “Slack” to stay connected & informed of the latest updates.
At the end of this stage, only the committed, collaborative and hard-working students graduate this phase and move to the next level, which is a “Full-Stack Web Development” course.
Outcome: 33 students successfully passed the second phase.


  • Personal Development Training:

Our Coding Training Program was not originally planned to only teach our students programming and improve their technical skills. It rather aims to fully prepare our students to become a professional group of developers who are ready to enter the tech industry confidently and adapt to the local and global markets’ requirements.
Therefore, we held Personal Development meetings with experts of developments in the HR field to improve the students’ soft skills in terms of communication, time management, teamwork, problem-solving, etc to make them match the market’s needs better. We also hosted experts from international tech leader companies like Capgemini, French multinational corporation that provides consulting, technology, professional, and outsourcing services, that joins part of our training to deliver training session about “effective communication in the tech market” to our students. Through these sessions, we want to help the students build solid understanding about the skills needed in the tech market and build up their self-esteem and confidence.
“Besides learning some basic soft skills, this kind of meeting is a space for me to express my concerns and to share the details of how my study week went,” student Randa says.


  • Mentorship:

More than 8 mentoring sessions were held under the supervision of specialists and leaders of worldwide known companies in the field of technology.
These meetings aim to provide the students with regular feedback on their improvement and pieces of advice to enhance their progress, and to encourage them to move forward to their future dream jobs. They were held weekly using English in a way to boost the students’ language skills. Emphasis was also placed on the importance of creating their own career identity such as a professional LinkedIn profile.

Our student Ibraheem says, “I learned how to overcome the struggles I might face at work in the future.”

  • Study Groups:

Creating a collaborative community in which all members get to support and learn from each other is one of the primary goals in our Coding Training Program. Consequently, we were keen to run regular online study groups for the students to strengthen their relationships and foster collaboration and teamwork among them. 
One of our diligent students, Rama, describes how she liked these meetings “I made new friends and we talked about our goals and interests and supported one another to keep going forward. Everything was very exciting!”

While they were gathering to study and do their homework together, they consciously or unconsciously helped and depended on each other to solve problems. This way, we aim to build a generation of developers who are not only technically qualified, but also collaborative team players.

  • Ya3ni Talk:

Youth in Palestine are isolated from the rest of the world, because of a lot of restrictions that deprive them of getting the experience and expanding their horizons. Therefore, we established “Ya3ni Talk” as a safe space for young generations to communicate with the world and to learn how to improve themselves both professionally and personally. 
Through Ya3ni Talk sessions, we connect our students with local and international experts and business leaders to let them experience open discussions about various topics with great-minded speakers. To help our students in improving their discussion skills, we include the students in breakout sessions in which they directly speak with senior developers, tech experts, and business owners. From this, we intend to build professional developers who are confident to have profitable conversations with their future clients, managers, and colleagues.

About Us:

MENA Alliances is a nearshoring company – for-profit with a social mission- that aims to provide a high-quality remote workforce on-demand. It desires to solve the problem of a local talent shortage for automation while creating economic opportunities for women and young people in the MENA region. Our teams can scale in a short time and handle small to large projects.
We are on a mission to alleviate poverty and injustice in the MENA region by creating jobs for women and young people in this region. So far, we have trained more than 3000 women and young people and created 700+ job opportunities for disadvantaged people by connecting them with jobs from Europe, the USA (such as Silicon Valley), and the Gulf region. 
Code Your Future (CYF) is a non-profit institution in the United Kingdom that trains refugees and other disadvantaged groups to become web developers to help them find jobs in the field of technology.

To communicate with us: 

Abeer Abu Gaith ( The founder and the CEO ):

[email protected] 

Noor Abu Gaith ( Project coordinator ):

[email protected] 



Palestine: An Untapped Opportunity to Access Rich Tech Talent Pool & Make An Impact

Startups in the US and Western Europe are continually seeking to acquire new clients and accelerate the time to market, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Achieving these goals depends primarily on having highly-competitive products/ services and reducing software development costs, which requires having professional senior developers. However, having limited financial resources and the shortage of local experienced developers, who usually ask for sky-high rates, created a serious challenge for these startups.

Therefore, many companies now started considering establishing their own remote teams in the MENA region, attracted by the large numbers of highly-educated professional developers who are ready to adapt to different work cultures, the reasonable costs for high-quality services, the ability to scale their services faster, and the use of flexible collaboration models.

Among the MENA countries, Palestine is considered a perfect nearshoring destination because of many reasons. And here are some:


High-Quality IT Services at Reasonable Rates


Palestine has a rich pool of professional software developers who are ready to work according to your budget and deliver your project requirements with very convenient hourly rates in comparison to those of the same services in the US, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and other regions. This is directly related to the living costs in Palestine which are relatively lower than the living costs in other parts of the world. Therefore, IT services rates in Palestine would be more convenient for companies in countries like the US, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, etc as this would typically save these companies between 30% and 75% of their overall costs (development) without sacrificing the quality of code.


Wide Variety of Professionals and IT Services


Palestine owns a rich IT pool of software developers and engineers with a wide variety of highly-demanded IT services who can help create recruitment pipelines for companies in the US and Western Europe. Developers in Palestine are specialized in Full Stack Development, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, SQL, and many other languages. Since a large number of IT students graduate from IT universities, it is quite simple to find both junior and senior developers to work with.


Tech Vendors’ Active Recruitment Process


Tech vendors in Palestine are continuously on the verge of navigating the region’s IT pool to find talented people and professionals to match them with the clients’ needs. It takes 2-4 weeks to hire a software developer in Palestine and a month to let them go if further cooperation isn’t necessary. The majority of nearshoring tech vendors share risks with their clients and undertake taxes, payroll, and other essential services. In addition, to ensure meeting the clients’ requirements, the vendors usually involve the client in the interviews with the selected candidates.


Culture Adaptability, Unyielding Motivation, and Continuous Education


The increasing numbers of graduates every year created a competitive atmosphere between developers made them follow a path of self-learning to enhance their skills on a regular basis in order to be able to get good work opportunities and engage in the global market. The West Bank and Gaza together have 14 universities, an open university for distance learning, 18 university colleges, and 20 community colleges. Over 4000 IT students graduate from these universities every year. These graduates are constantly on the verge of learning, as the majority is usually engaged in training programs, practice-based courses, and hackathons. In that respect, there are plenty of donors, NGOs supporting the educational and vocational training courses in Palestine to bridge the gap between the education and market and decrease the high unemployment rate in the region.

The fact that the local demand for software development and engineering in Palestine is quite stable motivated the majority of the software developers to look for work opportunities in other regions, such as the US and Western Europe, which helped them become familiar with the Western culture, values, and the work environment of many companies in those regions.

Another factor is having an easy-to-go culture, frequent contact with foreigners who visit the region, and the willingness to learn. Therefore, software engineers and developers are eager to interact with different cultures and build bridges with people in the US and Europe. Through nearshoring, they can explore and enhance their technical skills and capacities and find support and mentorship from people with experience in the tech sector.


Effective Communication


The majority of these developers have intermediate to high English language skills since most higher education institutions in Palestine, especially IT colleges, teach their Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in the English language. Therefore, the software developers who graduate from these institutions have sufficient English language skills that enable them to communicate with their clients effectively. The professionals or senior software developers would usually ask questions and apply critical thinking when taking your requirement in order to let you know that they do actually understand what they should do to give you the result you asked for.
Your team means your methods. Developers in Palestine are ready to adapt to the communication methods or communication channels of your choice, such as Slack, Discord, Skype, Zoom, and many other communication methods based on your company’s preference.


Convenient Time Zone


The MENA region’s time zone is convenient for the “follow-the-sun” working model. For example, the time difference between Palestine and Chicago is 8 hours. This means that the software engineers in Palestine work while the working day is over in the US, which saves time and boosts performance’s pace. Palestine is also one hour ahead of Western European countries, which allows seamless communication and allows a fully-matching working schedule.


A Great Destination For Business


Many international companies, like AXSOS, Freightos, ITG, Harri, and NVIDIA, now have branches in Palestine to keep up with their multinational teams and to benefit from the MENA market which is currently on the verge of becoming among the leading IT markets in the world.

Since there are many MNCs (Multinational companies), such as IBM, Oracle, and Microsoft, and small to medium companies that have offices in Israeli and the GCC, hiring Palestinian professionals as extended teams to support their R&D centers in Israel and the GCC areas would add value and competitive advantage to them in scaling their projects and ensuring effective communication. The extended teams would be working nearby with the possibility to arrange face-to-face meetings between the team members and the R&D centers.

In addition, the business ecosystem in Palestine is founded on international levels to help compete with other business markets around the globe. According to the World Bank analysis of the Palestinian ecosystem, the existence of talented people and founders and the connection with international knowledge resources such as international universities and accelerator programs are the key strength of the ecosystem in Palestine.


Diversity of Cooperation Models to Suit Your Company


Nearshoring companies in Palestine are ready to offer whichever model you choose after checking that this model goes in line with your project outcome, duration, management, communication, etc. They offer flexible models for different kinds of projects to boost performance pace, quality, and scalability. Some of them offer a pilot period prior to long-term commitment to help you ensure high-quality, test your team, and scale faster.


An Opportunity to Make a Difference


By hiring professionals from Palestine, your company would be impacting the lives of many talented, hardworking, young people and women who suffer from the limitation of opportunity in this region. For example, hiring teams of Palestinian developers would contribute to the growth of Palestine’s economy. Youth unemployment in Palestine is one of the highest global rates of youth unemployment: over 58% of college students are unemployed. In Gaza, for example, about two-thirds of those in the labor force are unemployed. About 1,000,000 new jobs are needed to reduce unemployment to 10% by 2030.
Moreover, Palestinian women, who suffer from movement restrictions and social boundaries, are among the most educated in the Middle East. The ecosystem in the West Bank and Gaza has one of the highest participation rates of female entrepreneurs of the ecosystems analyzed by the World Bank. Even though 52% of computer science students are women, 83% are unemployed due to local challenges. These women would love to work for global tech companies to prove their worth and discover their true potential.


About MENA Alliances

MENA Alliances is a nearshoring company – for-profit with a social mission- that aims to provide a high-quality remote workforce on-demand. It desires to solve the problem of a local talent shortage for automation while creating economic opportunities for women and young people in the MENA region. Our teams have the ability to scale in a short time and handle small to large projects.

We are on a mission to alleviate poverty and injustice in the MENA region by creating jobs for women and young people in this region. So far, we have trained more than 3000 women and young people and created 700+ job opportunities for disadvantaged people by connecting them with jobs from Europe, the USA (such as Silicon Valley), and the Gulf region.


Hire vetted developers from Palestine Now!!
Contact us:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +97 059-938-8102
Whatsapp: +44 7380 980791