Double-Benefit USE CASE: Impact Sourcing Data-Labeling and Localization Team Solutions

April 29, 2023

Like many startups that build multiple ongoing projects, the ability to hire teams that have flexibility and scalability is essential to their continued success. The organization reached out to find groups with localization knowledge and experience in data labeling. Figure Eight found they needed hands-on help with data labeling and globalization in Arabic and English. Specifically, Figure Eight sought to enhance their crowdsourcing results and teach their AI systems Arabic language and cultural symbols. 

Their hiring needs would be enormous, requiring many workers to handle multiple projects. In addition to team members, Figure Eight also needed several project managers that could lead these teams in data labeling. 

Many highly skilled, college-educated individuals in regions impacted by war, climate change, and political issues can find themselves unable to find work through no fault of their own. How do companies like Figure Eight source talent from refugees to fill highly technical positions? Listen to the story of Ali and how impact sourcing changed his future. Read more …